Tuesday, March 07, 2006


I have decided to just keep posting in here until I finally get motivated to get Chicken Breasts done. I'm so busy and I just don't feel like doing anything after a full night of homework or a full day of CSAP ya know. I'm also having some other issues in my life right now that aren't particularly beautiful AT ALL, so I'm just gonna put that story off for now because there are more important things I need to take care of.

It seems that I've been taking a more serious approach to life lately. I don't know if that's good for me or bad for me. I know that there are probably some things that are good to be serious about, but then there should also be a good amount of laughter too. I have trouble finding a good balance sometimes between being serious and funny, and I'm either too serious and end up getting mad at everybody or I'm too funny and everybody gets mad at me. I suppose I will figure it out in time, but right now I'm not too happy with the situation because it's hard for me to be myself, resulting in a period (this has been going on all year) of almost complete silence except when I am around people I'm very close to. Sometimes I have trouble making friends because of this. I'm way too insecure about the friends that I do have. I wonder sometimes if I'm too weird for them. I HATE THAT! It used to be that they were too weird for me, but now the tables have turned on me and I'm too weird for everybody else. It makes me wonder if I'm an annoying and obnoxious person all the time. It also makes me wonder if it gets in the way of me being friends with other people. Sometimes I wonder if the friends I already have scare away the friends that I'm trying to get just because they're too weird for them! And that's horrible because it makes me doubt the people that I'm trying to be friends with!!!!!!!! I wanna just scream sometimes!!!!

Well, now that I've ranted publicly about my non-public problems, I suppose I shall go. Have a nice day!



Blogger Erika Anneliese said...

Oh Sarah, you're perfect the way you are. I really hope you get all this figured out!

6:16 PM  
Blogger Erika Anneliese said...

I think you should force Brena to actually post something on her blog before you put her on your link list: )

6:17 PM  
Blogger The Fri said...

Thank you for your kind comment. And yes, I should probably try to get Brena to post something on her blog. I just put those links there for my benefit though, so that I can easily check my friend's blogs without having to type in the URL every time. mwa ha ha... html is kewl. lol.


6:19 PM  

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