Ahhh... weekend...

Yes, it is finally the weekend. And what a beautiful thing the weekend is. After such a busy week we get two days to relax and be unproductive. Unless you are unfortunate and are forced to be productive during your precious weekend. You poor thing. Anyway, a lot of us feel that we are over committed, and in high school that is usually what happens to people. There is just so much to do and so many opportunities, that you get buried in it all... and eventually overwhelmed to the point of exploding. "Exploding" being the term for quitting something. I have exploded this year and let me tell you, I hated it. I did not want to quit swimming... in fact I cried when I made the desicion (but that doesn't say much... I cry over everything, just ask Trevor). But it had to be done, and so it was. And I'll just stick to swimming in the summer when I actually can handle it. lol.
Either you explode, or you don't explode, and usually when you don't explode you don't have time to do anything else. There are exceptions to that though. I exploded this year and I still don't have time for anything else. I wanted to try out for Seven Brides for Seven Brothers at school, but I know that if I got a part I wouldn't have time to go to practices because of all the other stuff I'm doing and how it directly conflicts with it. Trevor tells me to take a break from something, such as Sweet Adelines, but one thing he doesn't understand is you can't just "take a break" from Sweet Adelines. Especially when you're in a chorus like mine that depends on how many people are there. There are 15 people in our chorus and we couldn't even go to competition this year because if even one person couldn't make it we wouldn't be able to compete anyway. So yes, I am stuck with this chorus... at least until I go off to college or they get more members. By the way, if any girls like to sing and are interested in being in Sweet Adelines (and if they have the time), talk to me and I'll hook you up! It's a lot of fun, it really is.
Internet Tip for You: How to Put a Music Video on Your Blog
1) At the top of the box where you type your entry, click the "Edit Html" tab.
2) Open another web window and go to www.videocodezone.com.
3) Find a video on that website that you would like to see in your blog by either browsing by the line of letters that is towards the top of the page or typing something in the search box. If you don't find the video you want on this website, then find a different video code website via a search engine and you will find tons of other websites just like this one, although I feel that videocodezone is the best.
4) When you find your video you will be able to watch it, and underneath the video there should be an html code. Copy and paste the html code into your blog (make sure you have clicked the "Edit Html" tab FIRST or it won't work).
5) Click the "Compose" tab and you should be able to see your video in your blog, and then you can continue with typing the rest of your entry.
Well, I must be going now, ttyl!
Well, I haven't 'exploded' this year. If there is an opposite to exploding, that is what I have been doing. I'm glad you update regularly. You should yell at Trevor. Toodles.
I have definitely exploded, but in a little different fashion. I tend to have a bunch of small explosions, not big enough to make me quit anything, but big enough. You might have noticed last semester that about every month or so, I would choose MOUS1 to be my place of explosion, and would usually spend the whole class period crying. Oh well. Anyways, now I have to cry in Keyboarding becuase I no longer have MOUS1. I have found it a very convenient class for exploding periodically because no one can see you. Anyhoo, I guess I should go now.
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