The First Post of Doom

This is my first post (obviously). This blog won't be about anything in particular. Just life in general. It might be a bit scary but that's okay because most of the people who read it will be used to how scary I am anyways. lol. But if you're not, you will get used to it, or sorry, you'll just have to be scared. lol. Anyway, the video above is my second-place theme song (My God's Enough by Barlow Girl is the first one but there's no html code for it) because I'm waiting for what God has in store for me. And I feel that there is a lot up the road, and I'm excited for the future. I simply can't wait, because I know that I've got a great future, no matter what may occur. And I'm confident that I'm in the right place now that I have God. I've got some great friends too. They keep me in line. lol. Most of them do anyway, some of them I have to keep in line but that's a totally different story altogether. Anyway, I'd better stop writing this before I run out of things to post in this blog later on. lol. Btw, the thing up top is a pic of "me". ha ha
Nice video. You are already way more high tech in your blog than I am. That's kinda sad. Anyways, I'm glad you got a blog!
I'm glad you got a blog, too, except you stole my design. I couldn't watch the video, though.
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