Wednesday, February 08, 2006

A Rant on Preps

PREPS. I cannot stand preps! They are the most disgusting and vile creatures that ever existed and probably the only people in this entire world that I am prejudiced against. Except maybe the KKK and other hate organizations... Anyway, they are stupid for the following reasons: They worry about the way they look all the time. They spend hours in the morning picking out their clothes, doing their hair and make-up and making themselves look like absolute sluts while at the same time nabbing every single jock guy they can get. They waste all their time in the morning so they can lose their virginity to some jock, and have his baby whom he will most likely not help take care of, all the while making sure that they can be as snobby and rude as they can and talk behind the back of every single person that walks by. They not only talk behind your back, but sometimes to your face, trying to be logical and intelligent about something that wasn't logical and intelligent to begin with. They also trash talk everyone you care about, and they put down all your beliefs and values. When a new person comes to school, they automatically judge whether or not they want to turn them into another prep by their looks. In fact, they judge the person's entire personality by the way they look. These are the reasons I think preps are horrible people, and they ruin society. Well, now that I am done with this rant I believe I shall go now. See ya!



Blogger Erika Anneliese said...

Wooo. Perhaps a bit harsh... Preps are much easier to deal with when you don't know them. I never have any problems. Was it a specific incident that sparked this rant? And do you actually know anybody who's pregnant?

5:12 PM  
Blogger The Fri said...

Ha ha... yes, there were many specific incidents that made me rant on them. In sixth and seventh grade they wouldn't leave us alone and they were really rude. In eighth grade it wasn't that bad. This year it's starting to escalate a bit though... like Britt E. has been interrogating me about everything she can get her preppy little manicured hands on. Rachel feels just about the same as I do about them if not worse. They have been causing a lot of problems for her too. And there were rumors that Jamie Hernandez (MAJOR prep) got pregnant, but since then I have heard two accounts of her not being pregnant. One from her sister and one from herself, but her big brother was the one who was telling everybody on the bus that she WAS pregnant. So I don't know what to believe now. Oh well. I loathe them and their rude. lol.


10:05 PM  
Blogger Erika Anneliese said...

Jamie Hernandez? Isn't she the one that came to our school for a bit in sixth grade? Is she back? I am almost positive she had a baby. For one thing, she came to our eighth grade continuum with a baby in tow. And there are other reasons I won't get into...

5:21 PM  
Blogger The Fri said...

Yes, she is the one. Nope, she didn't come back. I don't blame her either. Basically everybody knows about her... I kinda feel sorry for her but part of me feels she got what she deserved because she was extremely rude and hateful towards me and my friends. But... who deserves to go through all of THAT? I can't imagine what it would be like to be in her shoes.

6:02 PM  

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