Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The Monday Night Youth Lock-in

Well, on Monday night there was a pretty interesting lock-in at Action. More people went to the lock-in than people that go to regular Monday nights, and we may have gained some more people to actually go to regular Monday nights, which was quite pleasing. Of course, Trevor wasn't there to see that, because he's a party-pooper.

We had a battle between girls and guys during which we did certain things, such as eat food, run around and try to catch each other at 1:00 in the morning, and stuff like that. I'm pretty sure the girls won. If Trevor had been there the guys may have won, so he basically betrayed his species by not being there.

Terri Bozeman successfully hoola-hooped for five hours non-stop, which was pretty amazing. Why would somebody wanna stand there and hoola-hoop for five hours, you ask? To raise money for the youth. We took pledges and donations during the week and since she ended up going for five hours, she raised quite a bit of money. Too bad Trevor wasn't there to see that one.

We watched a video on what you can say to people when they're talking crap about Christianity and how evolution is more "logical," and we learned a lot of things about evolution that AREN'T logical and how you can talk to someone about evolution and how illogical it is. Too bad Trevor wasn't there because he may have learned how to actually talk to someone about that without being totally and completely difficult and not backing up any of his "facts" that are just as credible as the theory of evolution itself.

All of us overall had a pretty darn good time. We stayed up the entire night without sleeping, playing video games and board games, playing volleyball, and stuff like that. We also had a really darn good breakfast in the morning of pancakes and biscuits and gravy. Too bad Trevor wasn't there for that because the whole reason he didn't stay was because he thought he wasn't gonna have a good time. Goes to show you how much he knows. It would've been great to have his company there too...

Well, now that I have successfully publicly humiliated my very sweet boyfriend Trevor, I believe I shall go and waste more time elsewhere. See ya!


Saturday, March 18, 2006

Pics for your viewing pleasure...

Me glaring at you after an exhausting Sweet Adelines performance that took the whole afternoon. lol.
Trevor and I homecoming night. :p

THA SPONGMONKEYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 16, 2006


This website is really starting to get my goat. Either it's the website or my computer, I don't know. But I can't view Trevor's or Erika's blogs anymore because I am not "authorized" according to my web browser. What's up with that. I've tried configuring the security settings.. maybe I just need to dig a bit deeper into the security settings on my comp. It's really weird though because my dad updated our software and now really appropriate websites are being portrayed as inappropriate. I don't know what the heck is going on, but it's making me MAD because I want to see my friends' blogs!! GAH!! I shall be working on this until I can see them again...


Sunday, March 12, 2006

blah blah blah

Well, I have abosolutely no motivation to work on that Chicken Breasts story now that so much of it has been deleted. I haven't worked on it since that night and I'm just really lathargic with all this stupid, pointless CSAP crap. Did you know that if our class screws up on their CSAPs then they'll have to get rid of electives to make remedial courses for the kids that don't give a crap anyway? That makes me quite angry, and worried as well. I want to take music next year (hopefully Mrs. Philips isn't as mean as people tell me she is) and I don't want to see kids that don't care fail a remedial class that they were forced to take and therefore not allowing me to take music. I want to get the education I want and not have it taken away because my peers don't care about their own. It's not fair. *pouts*

I have been very exhausted and tired lately and I don't know why. It's very strange. It's kind of annoying too because I'll be trying to do something and I'll get tired and have to go take a nap. Another strange thing is the fact that I can't stop getting colds and sinus infections. I wonder if my immune system is weak or something. I drink plenty of water (at least 50 fluid ounces a day, which has been proven: Half of your body weight in pounds is how much water you should drink in ounces a day), so it's not because I'm dehydrated. Maybe I'm not eating healthy enough. I don't eat very healthily at all except for dinner. Dinner is the only truly healthy food I get. Sometimes even that isn't healthy. I don't know. I guess I just need to work a little bit to stay healthy and not die of malnutrition.

One reason for my mysterious exhaustion could simply be the fact that I'm emotionally exhausted. This has been a tough week for me. I'm having an inferiority complex, incessant and large amounts of anxiety, depression, unexplained anger, and I'm getting really clingy to certain people and when I'm not around them I go nuts. I try to pray but sometimes I'm too wrapped up in my own problems to hear the answer... which really sucks. And the way I've been treated by other people this week really hasn't helped at all. This week has really shown me that there are a lot of people that are too wrapped up in themselves to care about the well being of others, and it's really starting to bother me. This week has shown me that this world sucks and it has made me wish that I could live on some other world... a better one. Without all the crap and pointless pain.

The wind and the snow hasn't helped my mood much either. I can't wait for spring to finally get here. I've cried every day this week and I'm sick of it. I've gotten angry to the point of wanting to hurt someone every day this week and I'm sick of it. The mountain has been covered in clouds every day this week and I'm sick of it. Why I let the clouds effect my mind I have no idea. I'm just sick. Sick and tired. Sick and tired of all the crap that incessantly pervades my mind and my heart. *kicks something*

Well, this entry has run longer than I expected it to and I must be going. Goodbye.


Wednesday, March 08, 2006



I want to go and jump off a bridge. And eat some chicken.


Tuesday, March 07, 2006


I have decided to just keep posting in here until I finally get motivated to get Chicken Breasts done. I'm so busy and I just don't feel like doing anything after a full night of homework or a full day of CSAP ya know. I'm also having some other issues in my life right now that aren't particularly beautiful AT ALL, so I'm just gonna put that story off for now because there are more important things I need to take care of.

It seems that I've been taking a more serious approach to life lately. I don't know if that's good for me or bad for me. I know that there are probably some things that are good to be serious about, but then there should also be a good amount of laughter too. I have trouble finding a good balance sometimes between being serious and funny, and I'm either too serious and end up getting mad at everybody or I'm too funny and everybody gets mad at me. I suppose I will figure it out in time, but right now I'm not too happy with the situation because it's hard for me to be myself, resulting in a period (this has been going on all year) of almost complete silence except when I am around people I'm very close to. Sometimes I have trouble making friends because of this. I'm way too insecure about the friends that I do have. I wonder sometimes if I'm too weird for them. I HATE THAT! It used to be that they were too weird for me, but now the tables have turned on me and I'm too weird for everybody else. It makes me wonder if I'm an annoying and obnoxious person all the time. It also makes me wonder if it gets in the way of me being friends with other people. Sometimes I wonder if the friends I already have scare away the friends that I'm trying to get just because they're too weird for them! And that's horrible because it makes me doubt the people that I'm trying to be friends with!!!!!!!! I wanna just scream sometimes!!!!

Well, now that I've ranted publicly about my non-public problems, I suppose I shall go. Have a nice day!
