Hmm... Pictures.

EVIL BUNNIES!!! I find them awesome!!
Me and some good friends. mwa ha ha!!
I love summer, it's awesome... but it's almost over!! School starts on the 21st!
KISS ME!! I'M IRISH!! Actually, don't kiss me, that would be really gross.
If you have never worn cardboard, you suck.
The gothic version of me. Scary? (It's okay Trevor... *pats him on the back*)
I need to turn off the comp now so that the thunderstorm doesn't kill it. Goodbye.
trevor looks realy different in this picture neways love the pics mwahaha
ps the music thing and the evil bunnies i love you have to show me where you got them from neways TTYL >:D
lol, yeah, he's continuing to grow his hair out...
And you should just steal the picture from here. It's easier. That's what I did, I just stole the pictures from various people who posted them in various areas.
mwahaha and tell trevor that he looks so different than last year i hardly recognized min neways TTYL >:D
Ha ha ha!!! I love the randomness of all of those pictures. The evil bunnies made me laugh my head off. (I'm alone, so I'm allowed to do that kind of thing...) Loved it.
P.S. I have that same picture (the one of the BBQ) on my desktop right now. Funny.
lol, Bri, I probably won't have to tell him, he's probably going to read this. =P.. at least I hope he will. He ignores me online and that truly angers me. grrr!!!
fine be that way jk neways hope you have a great rest of summer neways TTYL >:D
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